Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Ronda Rousey's 14 second finish begs the question, Who's Next? | Long Island MMA

Ronda Rousey’s last 2 fights have been under 20 seconds long. Her last fight over the weekend was just 14 seconds long, long enough to fit on instagram in its entirety.
          Ronda finished Cat in 14 seconds which was the fastest submission in UFC championship history. What was truly impressive about the finish wasn’t just the speed of the submission but it was way Ronda did it. Ronda looked like she was about to be dragged down by Cat and then was able to literally flip over Cat and maintain the top position it was from there where she went for her signature arm-bar. 
          Ronda looked impressive and it looked like Cat might have been her toughest challenge to date but she blew right past her. This begs the question, who is going to be the next challenge for Rousey? The obvious answer is Cris “Cyborg” Justino, however Cyborg fights at 145 and Ronda is the 135lb champion. The challenger should be the one who cuts the weight and challenge Rousey. Many question Cyborg’s ability to make the weight class and are accusing her of abusing PED’s an issue that seems to be plaguing the UFC lately.

Our question for you guys is simple, who’s next?

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