Tuesday, December 9, 2014

CM Punk to the UFC WTF?

          At UFC 181 pay-per-view on Saturday night December 6th, former WWE champion "CM Punk" reviled that he had signed a multiple fight deal with the UFC. CM Punk’s real name is Phil Brooks and Phil Brooks has zero combat experience outside of his WWE roots.
          CM Punk can be seen as far back at 2012 training with Rener Gracie in some YouTube clips. In those clips he is wearing a white belt indicating to us who have participated and competed in Jiu Jiu that he is a beginner. In 2 years of training it’s unlikely that his blue belt level of Jiu Jitsu will be enough to help him win a professional fight in the biggest organization on the planet. Phil “CM Punk” Brooks is 36 whereas many UFC greats have been competing into their late 30’s some even 40’s, those men have extensive combat backgrounds that Phil does not.
          At Long Island MMA we have seen multiple fighters make it to the UFC we have witnessed fighters like Chris Wade put it all on the line and quit his job to pursue fighting full time. The signing of CM Punk bothers me because the UFC purposely didn’t hire fighters who are legitimately the best in the world like Ben Askrin and chose instead to pick out fighter like Punk who has only the ability to draw eyes to the UFC. Now I understand the UFC is trying to make up for the ratings drop off that happened when Brock Lesner left but Brock was a legitimate combat athlete.
          Sorry Punk but we have no faith in you at Long Island MMA and fully expect this to blow up in your face.

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