Friday, February 13, 2015

6 Key Factors in Finding a Legitimate MMA Gym | Long Island Mixed Martial Arts

With the rapid increase in MMA’s popularity it is extremely important to be sure that when seeking instruction you are able to find a legitimate and well equipped facility. For someone who is new to Mixed Martial Arts training it may be difficult to tell just who is really worth training with, especially when certain academies may be quite expensive.

6 Key Factors in Finding a Legitimate MMA Gym

1) Experience:
Above all things, finding a gym that has experienced and accomplished coaching staff should be a top priority. Before signing up to train always be sure to do some research as to who will be training you! Ex: state/national champion Wrestling, Jiu Jitsu Black Belt, Professional MMA fighters, etc.

2) Diversity:
MMA is based on diversity. Not only is it important to find an experienced coach but to find coaches that are specialists and work together to train you. Ex: Wrestling/Muay Thai/ Brazilian Jiu Jitsu/Strength Training. Learning from coaches that specialize in certain areas will help you become able to compile ideas and have a well-rounded experience.

3) Proper Equipment:
When training in MMA it is important that your gym be able to supply the proper equipment. This is key for effective and especially safe training. For example: there is a specific reason why MMA predominantly uses the cage as opposed to a ring; it is a safety issue! If you or your training partner were to roll too close to the edge of a ring you run the risk of injury where as a cage would keep both of you from falling. This is besides the fact that the cage looks extremely cool.

4) A Strong Team of Competitors:
Even if your goal isn’t to become a fighter and compete, it is important that your gym has a strong team. This proves that the techniques you are being taught have been tested and are effective. This also ensures that there is a system of growth. Every fight your team mates have there will be something new to learn based on legitimate combat, those corrections and adjustments to training by your team will benefit you even if you would rather not step into the cage yourself.

5) Social Environment:
What are your teammates like? You want to surround yourself by positive individuals that are focused on becoming better martial artists and better people. Having a positive environment to train in builds a sense of camaraderie and helps to make coming to training something that you will look forward to doing!

6) Cleanliness:
Last but certainly not least is cleanliness. Mixed Martial Arts is a sport that involves getting up close with your training partners. Having this type of close contact on a regular basis makes it extremely important that your facility is clean. Are the mats cleaned regularly and are they cleaned properly? Are there showers on site? Keep this in mind when searching for a place to train, even though you are working out your health could be at risk if the facility is not kept in proper order.

Honorable Mentions
- Great music being played during training
- Children’s programs
- Sauna (Cutting weight? No problem!)

- Open Mat Times (Why let class times restrict you? Train when you want to!)
-Enough bags for everyone.

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