Friday, July 18, 2014

Long Island MMA

Ron from Long Island MMA tells us about his experience training at Long Island MMA.

Ron from farmingdale tells us his experience at Long Island MMA. for more information

Training Jiu-Jitsu at Long Island MMA has changed my life for the better.  Jiu-Jitsu was the best thing I ever could have done in my life and finding the proper facility to train at was a blessing. I have to say I was nervous to enter a mixed martial arts gym and take on a new journey but as soon as I scheduled my free introductory lesson, talked to the staff, and met the coaches who taught at the facility, I knew this was a great environment to train at. I thought I would feel out of place, not knowing any form of martial arts and starting from scratch but Long Island MMA welcomed me in with open arms and made me feel right at home. I am not the quickest of learners or the most coordinated of all people but the hands on training here by the coaching staff  helped me grasp techniques better than I thought I would and let me learn at a pace that was suitable for me. I have made a home for myself here at the gym and met many great friends along the way. If I can recommend picking up a hobby to anyone it would be Jiu-Jitsu here at LIMMA. One of the many great things about Jit-Jitsu and this gym is there is no such thing as an ego on the training mats, all egos are left at the door when entering the gym. You must be humble and respect all members on the mats that are trying to better themselves. When training during a class, its great, everyone feels and is welcome! All people of all ages, different careers, and ethnicities join together, and are forced to interact, workout, and better there techniques. We have everyone under one roof from actual UFC fighters (like Dennis Bermudez and Ryan LaFlare) to doctors, students, union workers, and ext., its great!
(check out Billy one of the black belts at Long Island MMA show us an advanced pass)

             Not only has this gym helped me create lifelong friends, and teach me how to defend myself but it has bettered me not only in the gym but in every aspect of my life. I cannot say I was in the best of shape upon beginning my journey here at LIMMA. I was overweight and self-conscious. As I began to train I watched the extra pounds I was holding shed off like crazy. I can now say I am in one of the best shapes of my life and still going strong! I am not as self conscious anymore, both because I not only look better now but the classes that I started taking at the facility forced me to slowly interact with other members and learn how to engage in conversation more. The most important benefit I have received throughout training Jiu-Jitsu is it has actually helped me become a better person, I am more humble now. I am constantly being put in a bad position while training Jiu-Jitsu and it forces me to either find an answer for the bad position I am put in or tap out, much like different situations that life gives up. I am able to look at my own personal problems in my own life now and look at them with a more level headed perspective than I might have previously done before starting my training. I also do not get as mad as easily as I might have because I am constantly working out my stress through training and the gym.
                                If I can recommend one thing to any person of any background, or anyone looking to make changes in their life, it would be to schedule one of the free introductory lessons Long Island MMA has to offer and see what I am talking about for yourself. 

Long Island MMA is located at 590 Smith St Farmingdale NY 11735.

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