Friday, July 5, 2013

Numbers Don't Lie, Long Island MMA Destroys The Competition

Are you looking for a safe bet?  Long Island MMA fighters have been stacking up wins one after another, and it doesn't look like they plan on losing momentum any time soon.  

Blasting their way onto the MMA scene since they opened their doors less than three years ago with fighters such as the UFC's Ryan LaFlare and Dennis Bermudez, Long Island MMA has amassed an unprecedented 90% winning rate on amateur and professional Mixed Martial Arts fights.  This unbelievable success rate didn't happen at some third rate event in someones backyard either, the vast majority of the wins LIMMA earned were at top tier shows including Ring Of Combat, Bellator, and the UFC.

The secret to their success? "There is no secret" says Long Island MMA coach Gregg DePasquale. "Hard work, an open mind to accept evolving technique, and a never quit attitude that has become synonymous with Long Island MMA fighters is what gets us on top.  MMA insiders know if they are fighting a Long Island MMA guy it is going to be a long night."

With what one fan calls "The breakout MMA team of the year" Long Island MMA has found the recipe for success, and with one of the highest winning percentages in the MMA world, has proven they can hang with the best

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