Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Take the first step to joing Long Island MMA

Joining an MMA gym can be a daunting adventure. To often people say, “ I need to get in shape “, when referring to what they need to do before actually joining. However, it’s far from true! From personal experience, I joined Long Island Mixed Martial Arts, at complete low in my life, in terms of health. The gym for me and like many others becomes the place you come to actually get in shape and turn your physique and skills around. You learn not only a daily skill set of moves to specific martial arts like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, Wrestling to name a few but also responsibility, health consciousness and a sense of brotherhood. Your first day at the gym won’t be an ocean full of sharks and coaches watching you drown. Although my first experience in the gym was catching a friendly jab from UFC’s own Ryan La Flare, as he was coaching me to defend incoming punches (I learned that day). You make the best of your experience. You can ease yourself into classes. Find which routines and combination of classes work best for what you’re trying to learn and achieve. Set weekly and monthly goals for you to accomplish. Before you know it, you will form good habits and a gain an abundance of knowledge. To top it off, you will also have a jump start on getting in shape.

Taking the virtual leap of faith is confronting yourself and saying to yourself that you want a better version of you. Albeit it is easier said than done. You won’t know your potential until you take that first step forward. I’ve been there making the excuses for my self as to why you’re apprehensive to join. You will start on a Monday or tomorrow I will call and find out information. When you stop making excuses you discover how untapped we are in regard to potential. Although a gym full of men and women attacking each other at times sounds scary, you learn quickly everyone who is there is there learn and share their wealth of knowledge. Unless you take the risk you don’t discover the family bonds you form with in the gym, your different peaks of interest with in each sport. Some fears that may prevent you from starting your experience may be that you’re inexperienced and never trained in any form of martial arts or that you’re a woman and don’t want to train with all males. However at Long Island Mixed Martial Arts those doubts and concerns are eased with beginner’s classes and an all women’s class. The beginner class is great for forming a foundation in the respective martial art, in which you can build off of. At the end of the day it’s a decision you make and you own. I know from personal experience that joining LIMMA was life changing from the aforementioned attributes learned and gained. Taking that chance gives you the same opportunity afforded to many others and me. Regardless, you will never lose, you will only learn.
Patrick Rivera